supported by Dice

開催日程 コロナウイルス感染拡大の状況により順延。HumanRights AllRights Pride Festival MYOKOのイベントとして開催予定。
イベント内容 ドキュメンタリー映画「Mr.Angel」上映、バックを初めて知る人のためのプレゼンテーション、ワークショップ、最新ドキュメンタリー映画「Sexing The Transman」上映、バックエンジェルによる講話、質疑応答、音楽ライブ、親睦会などを予定しています。(英和通訳あり)
I really appreciate you reading this flyer.
We are so sorry that we had to reschedule our project date and year for getting less donation and donator so far.
Now we are preparing our cloud funding page with Cloud funding provider Company. If you donate us from the official cloud funding page, we send you “Return” back with our project’s limited goods and your names on our project’s supporters list and so.
We’ll be updating the latest information from the websites below, so please come visit these sites and check the latest news about us!
Buck Angel Japan Tour Project schedule;
Year: extended due to covid-19. Month:undecided.
Contents: we are planning to screen Mr. Angel (Documentary Film), the presentation about who is Buck Angel for people who would like to know about him for the first time, Buck’s workshop, screening Sexing The Transman Documentary (the latest documentary film), Buck’s speech, Q&As with Buck, Live band music, after party.
(English/Japanese Translation available)All schedules are the latest, but might be changed without announcement. This is the latest information here on this site, and will be updated as soon as possible.
This is an official page of Buck Angel Japan Tour Project by Dice (Dice is the official supporter and sponsor of this project).
Our project aims at bringing Buck Angel to Universities in Japan for his speech and to get his latest documentary film, also at the big events like Pride Parades or LGBTIQs film festivals in Japan.
Dice is now gathering volunteers to make this project come true in near future.
Please feel free to contact us if ;
1)you have an understanding of Buck Angel's activities in LGBTIQs community and if you are a manager, a contact staff, an organizer, a professor/a member of a gender studies group at a university or a college, a company member and would like Buck Angel to make his speech and film screening at where you belong to(English/Japanese bilinguals are very welcome!).
2)you are willing to donate us for his staying expenses, travel fee, office work costs, and other expected charges for his Tour in Japan.(click here for the donation bank account information).
(Now we got a support from a Cloud Funding provider "Readfor", and we have been working on preparing the official Cloud Funding Page on Readyfor website. we'll update the latest information of CF, so please keep visiting to our page!)
3)you are interested in volunteering to post, update, manage our project's Facebook Page with Japanese and English writing.
★you are also welcome if you have any idea and anything you could help us bringing Buck to Japan!!
Please feel free to contact us from CONTACT page.
The project is operated by a number of volunteers from around the world, from inception to the present. Flyer Printing fee, ink fee, advertising transportation fee…etc. Funding and manpower are needed to make the project happen. If you are interested, please check the latest information on the project from the following websites. We are also looking for companies, educational institutions, individuals, groups, and communities that are willing to offer or accept the project venue for the entire Japan.
Buck Angel Japan Tour Project最新情報はFacebookPage,自助グループDice/ダイス公式Websiteから発信しています。
プロジェクトFacebook Page