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Your donation helps  us to continue our activities and projects!




記号 11270

番号 40702471



店名 一二八(イチニハチ)

店番 128

預金種目 普通

口座番号 4070247

口座名義人名 ダイスミョウコウ


Our activities and projects are managed with your donation. If you agree to our avtivities and projects, please send a donation to the following bank account. for more details and information, visit Japan Post Bank's official website.


Payees in Japan can receive money sent from overseas, either through their Japan Post Bank integrated account or giro account.
* If your detailed information has not yet been verified, make sure to bring identification documents and your passbook to your nearest Japan Post Bank or Post Office savings counter.


Remittances in either USD or EUR can be made from overseas banks, via a designated intermediary bank.
The information shown below is required to make a remittance from an overseas bank to a Japan Post Bank integrated account or giro account. Please note that if there are any mistakes or omissions, the remittance may not reach our bank. In addition, if the money remitted is returned to the sending bank, other charges and expenses may be deducted by the intermediary bank. 
Please note that remittances to Japan cannot be made from certain financial institutions. For details, please ask your local bank.

Intermediary Bank:

(USD)Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas NY  

(EUR)Deutsche Bank AG Frankfurt

Intermediary Banc BIC/SWIFT Code:




Beneficiary Bank:

Japan Post Bank



Head Office


Beneficiary Bank Address:

3-2, Kasumigaseki 1-chome, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100-8798, Japan


Beneficiary Bank BIC (SWIFT Code):



Beneficiary Bank CHIPS UID:


Payee Account Number(To integrated account):

Code number (11270)+account number (40702471)


Name of Payee Account Holder:



Payee Address:

1456-7Taguchi, Myoko City, Niigata, 949-2106 Japan


Payee Telephone Number:

+81 80 4345 0815

※ 1

The Japan Post Bank exchange rate will be applied for credits made to the payee's Japan Post Bank account in JPY.

※ 2

The information for the intermediary bank must be included. If no specific space is provided for this information, please write it within an open area on the form. Please note that intermediary charges (handling charges by correspondent banks) will be deducted from the remittance amount.
・Fixed fee of $10 for remittances exceeding $100.
・Fixed fee of €5 for remittances exceeding €100.
Additional intermediary charges may be deducted.

※ 3

If remittances in USD are made from financial institutions in USA to a Japan Post Bank account, the CHIPS UID and BIC (SWIFT code) are both required. 
If remittances are made from overseas to a Japan Post Bank account, the ABA (Fedwire Code) and IBAN are not required.

※ 4

Please note that the code number and account number must all be written together.

※ 5

Please include a phone number at which the payee can be reached during the day.In compliance with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law, we may contact the payee to ask about the purpose of the remittance.


Transactions made from the following financial institutions are not necessarily transferred via a designated intermediary bank. ("Intermediary Bank" and "Intermediary Bank BIC" are not required.)(Services may differ, depending on the respective institution. Please check with your local financial institution in advance for details.)

Republic of Korea (Korea Post)

Germany (Deutsche Postbank),Romania (Bancpost S.A),Denmark (Sydbank)

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